Tuesday 2 December 2008

Newfoundland Cod with Olives and Sundried Tomatoes en Papillote

First things first; don't be intimidated by the name of this recipe..."en papillote" simply means cooked in parchment paper. It is a much under-used cooking method that should really be every busy family cook's best friend. It is a great simple way to steam fish and vegetables inside a paper pouch for one fast, healthy, simple, delicious, convenient and easy meal. I sometimes put mine together the night before when the next day is going to be a blur of work, school and driving kids to their evening activities. Nobody reading can relate, I'm sure! ;)

When prepared in just a few minutes the previous night, we can easily have these on the table in half an hour straight out of the fridge and into the oven. Now what are you going to do with the time you would have spent cooking?

Serves 4

4 six ounce fresh cod portions
¼ cup chopped sundried tomatoes
½ cup pitted kalamata olives
1 tbsp dried summer savoury (tarragon or dill make good substitutes)
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
4 medium red potatoes, washed and thinly sliced
Salt and pepper to season
Lemon for garnish

Begin by washing and slicing your potatoes and thinly slicing them. Add the slices to boiling salted water for 2 minutes to blanch them. Toss the blanched potatoes in the olive oil and savoury, and season them with salt and pepper. Divide the slices into 4 equal portions and arrange them in the centers of 4 large squares of parchment paper.

Season the fish with salt and pepper and place the cod portions on top of the potatoes. Top the cod with the sundried tomatoes and olives and a small drizzle of olive oil.

Bring two edges of the parchment paper together and roll the paper until one inch from the top of the fish. Fold the ends under the bottom to create a sort of sealed pouch in which the fish and potatoes can cook. Place on a baking sheet and place in a 375 degree oven for about 20 minutes. Cooking times will vary depending on the thickness of your cod portions. You may want to add another 5 minutes if they are particularly thick. Let the pouches rest for 5 minutes before serving.

Serve in the paper pouches with a lemon wedge to squeeze over the top of the fish.

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